Failte Ireland COVID-19 Adaptation Fund
In line with the Government’s Roadmap for the Re-opening of Business and Society, tourism and hospitality businesses began opening their doors from the 29 June. To support these businesses to re-open safely and effectively, Fáilte Ireland has taken a three-step approach to re-opening.
Fáilte Ireland developed sector specific operational Guidelines for Re-opening to help businesses to meet the Government’s public health advice and keep their employees and customers safe.
Fáilte Ireland developed the COVID-19 Safety Charter, a Government-endorsed initiative to reassure consumers that the tourism and hospitality businesses that they visit have committed to adhere to the correct safety measures and hygiene protocols set out in Fáilte Ireland’s Guidelines for Re-opening.
The COVID-19 Adaptation Fund is the third step in Fáilte Ireland’s approach to re-opening and has been designed to contribute to the costs incurred by tourism businesses as they implement Fáilte Ireland’s Guidelines for Re-opening.
Eligible businesses can apply for adaptation grants from now until 8 October 2020.
More information on eligibility and how to apply for the fund can be found here