Amatino provides expert audit and assurance services for your business

There are various circumstances where you may need an audit. When you go to raise finance, lenders typically look for audited accounts as evidence of your performance over several years. Similarly, if you plan to sell your business, potential purchasers look for the independent verification that audited accounts provide. For some businesses, audit is a statutory requirement. Others need an audit in certain circumstances, for example if they fail to file an annual return on time.

Even if none of these circumstances apply, you might still want the detailed financial information an audit provides. Whatever the circumstances, Amatino can provide expert advice and solutions, including:

  • Statutory audits
  • Internal audit
  • Due diligence reviews

Our professionals also deliver risk management, compliance and corporate governance advice and reviews. We work closely with you to ensure these reviews improve your business and help you develop and grow.

For a free, no-obligation chat about how Amatino’s audit and assurance team can help your business, please Get in Touch.

Amatino is authorised to carry out business and financial audits.

Our Specialised Team

Peter Farrelly
Managing Director, Royal Masterpeace Ltd

Amatino manage our accounts and carry out management accounts which allow us to review our current costs in real time. John Kieran’s consultancy and impartial advice has allowed us to streamline costs and overheads in all areas of our operations and review our personal tax liabilities. All of this is provided at what I consider to be a highly competitive rate for the quality of service provided.